Following the success of last year’s Cinderella‘s story book by Cynthia Rylant using the magical illustrations by Mary Blair, Disney Press has just released a second book in the series, Alice In Wonderland, illustrated with more elegant paintings by the late Disney concept artist Blair.
Story telling for this 46 page book this time is in charge of Jon Scieszka, whose captivating text celebrates all that is curious-and all that is nonsensical-about the world that holds Alice spellbound, from a deliciously absurd tea party to the spectacle of a kingdom of playing cards
Mary Blair‘s vibrant art helped shape the look of Walt Disney‘s classic animated film. Collected in a picture book for the first time, her illustrations capture the essence of such memorable characters as the Queen of Hearts and the Mad Hatter with stunning immediacy.
Cinderella and Alice In Wonderland (book covers picture below) with illustrations by Mary Blair are available from Disney Press and are higly recomended to both children and collectors of Disneyana.
Commenti di Mario John