The Two Disc DVD Platinum edition of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs will be totally different from the final Blu Ray cover artwork released by Disney last week. Disney released the following image for the standard dvd edition that will be released almost a month after the October street date for the Blu Ray + dvd 3 disc combo.
The Blu-ray/single-disc DVD Combo of Snow white, priced at $39.99, will reach stores on October 6th 2009, while double disc DVD will be available in stores on November 24th 2009.
As you can see Snow White is the main protagonist of the dvd while the evil witch dominates the Blu Ray cover. This is the first time a Platinum edition dvd cover artwork differs so much from the blu ray artowork even if a different colour scheme of the same image (lilac for the dvd and blue for the blu ray) was already introduced with the release of Sleeping Beauty last October.
Commenti di Mario John