It’s Easter time and we’ve digged out from our collection this great Winnie The Pooh Easter Cookie Jar released by the Disney Store in Europe some years ago. From what we figure this cookie jar was a European exclusive and never released in the US. This ceramic, glazed Jar is done in the shape of a huge hatched easter egg with Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore all over it and Piglet on top of the lid as the handle. Click on images below to enlarge
Easter Cookie Jar
Mario John
Esperto Disneyano e collezionista di tutto ciò che è Disney collectable, dai dischi e libri vintage ai moderni Funko Pop e Q-posket, passando per tazze, porcellane e ceramiche varie, recensisce, mette in ordine e disordine la sua collezione sulle pagine di questo blog.
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