Disney Store have launched a new series of mini figurines in collaboration with Kidada called Wish-a-Little. The series started with four mini princesses (Snow White, Cinderella, Tiana and Belle) with four more figurines released last week in US Disney Stores (Alice, Tinkerbell, Jasmine and Ariel) that are not all or completely princesses, meaning the line can expand to various characters.
Each of these cute figurines, priced at $39.99 each, can be opened to find in each a different charm necklace that complements the character. In the last four just released a blank piece of white paper is included to write a message if you’re going to give them out as presents (just like the UK line Momiji, that these figurines recall a lot!)
The Disneylicious staff couldn’t help to start this collection as well, so here’s a photo of the Wish A Little we bought below and more pictures of the display they now have at the Disney Store in Times Square.
Commenti di Mario John