Introduced as a series in the Walt Disney Classic Collection (WDCC) in 2004, the Spotlight Collection features the most popular Disney characters ever in classic poses.
Aimed to new collectors for them to get aquanted to the line, these fine porcelain quintessetial Disney characters come with the "quite cheap" price tag of $99 (compared to prices of the standard wdcc releases) and they are quite value for money items, even if many diehard collectors of WDCC think the "Quins" have betrayed the original spirit of the line. A model sheet card with reproduction of original sketches comes with each character.

In this second look at this particular collection we focus on the classic film characters that in the last few years have become true Disney icons: The mischievous Stitch dressed up as Elvis, the lovely Dumbo and silly bear Winnie The Pooh.


Stitch – "Long Live the King sculpted by artist Valerie Edwards. Released in 2005

Dumbo – "Little Clown" sculpted by artist Bruce Lau. Released in 2007

Winnie-the-Pooh – "Silly Old Bear" sculpted by David Pacheco. Released in 2007

Stay tuned for Part Three – Fab Six